Getting ready for National Poetry Month!

It's almost here. I have a stack of papers to grade and a writing blog that's gone woefully un-updated, but that doesn't matter, April comes every year whether I'm ready for it or not.

For the last several years, I have taken part in the Poem-a-day challenge for National Poetry Writing Month.

Check out a couple of good resources here if you'd like to join me:
Writer's Digest Poetry Prompts

I also share poems on Facebook every day in April (not my poems--published author's poems that have already been shared online). Since I know not everyone is friends with me on Facebook, I've decided to share my lists of poems from the last two years during the month and share this year's list at the end of the month. Finding the poems and reading lots of poems in the process makes it a lot easier for me to write a poem every day, so I hope that sharing them will make it easier for someone else, too.

Good luck getting ready for poetry month. Dig out your favorite poems, sharpen your pencils, charge your laptops, and stay tuned for more posts this month that there have been all year. :)
